Friday, September 26, 2014

Fobie Friends

Hi all!

I am currently enjoying a quiet evening with some Sex And The City. This is such a perfect way to end my hectic week. Tried kicking the caffeine habit...needless to say, I have had a terrible headache and have been craving Starbucks like no other. Not to worry...I kicked off my weekend with Starbucks and my movie. ;) I am now headache free and full of energy again.

So, I wanted to share something amazing one of my parent's has going on. {By my parent's I mean one of my student's parents} They are this amazing duo that are also children's books authors. Their series is simply splendiferous, fun, and amazing.

One of the perks of having their daughter is that we get our very own copy and Leslie, one of the authors, comes to read to us! Below is a picture of her reading their newest edition of Fobie Friends to our class. The kids were thrilled we got the first copy! what is "Fobie Friends"?

Leslie and Brian focus on children's fears. As an elementary teacher, I can appreciate this. Kids are afraid of water, starting a new school, heights, and so many things! Their books focus on these fobias but in a fun way. Each character faces their fear with the help of a silly "Fobie Friend" that shows them they can take charge of their fears and have fun! 

The beautiful illustrations and fun rhyming makes it great for k-3, but I even spy some of our older kiddos grabbing them in the library! If you are looking for something fun and different, I strongly suggest looking at them next time you are at Barnes & Noble.

This duo doesn't stop there! They are even writing CCSS curriculum to go with the books and traveling schools. How awesome is that?!

You can also check out their website HERE!

Happy reading everyone!

*These are my own opinions. I was not asked to write this post, but was given permission from the authors.

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